Pet Wellness Care

A longer, happy life together with your pet starts with routine veterinary care. Our compassionate team at Good Life Veterinary Care delivers comprehensive pet wellness care with a gentle, non-confrontational approach for low-stress visits.

A woman gently cradling a cat in her arms, both looking content and at ease.

Pet Wellness Care: Protecting Your Pet’s Health

At Good Life Veterinary Care, we know that routine preventative care is essential to ensuring your pet stays happy and healthy for years to come. During our wellness visits, we walk you through our physical exam findings, then work with you to develop a thoughtful plan for your pet’s day-to-day care.

If you have a new puppy, you’ll get not only the immunizations they need now, but advice on what he should be eating and how to trim his nails. If you have a senior cat, we’ll regularly check her bloodwork and weight, suggest how to ease their arthritis pain, and recommend our favorite scratching post.

And to keep every interaction calm and positive for your pet, we use gentle touch, move slowly, and offer treats (and, of course, plenty of belly rubs and chin scratches!)

A veterinarian holding a small dog with a stethoscope, showing care and affection towards her furry companion

Thorough Physical Exams

Every veterinary visit starts with a comprehensive nose-to-tail physical exam. We take pride in delving into the details and working with you to finalize our recommendations and treatment plan.


Vaccines are an essential component of wellness care. We will listen carefully to learn about your pet’s lifestyle, then recommend a vaccine plan to keep them protected.

Parasite Prevention

 Cats and dogs can be infected with internal parasites (like fecal worms and deadly heartworms) and external parasites (like fleas, ticks, mites, and lice). Most parasites are preventable. We customize a parasite prevention plan for every pet we meet!

Diagnostic Testing

We are fully equipped to test and monitor all parts of your pet’s health. Tests like blood screening and fecal checks help establish health baselines and screen for disease. Our full spectrum of diagnostic tests like blood work, X-rays, and ultrasound are key to analyzing current health conditions.

What if my pet is nervous at the vet?

We understand that veterinary visits may not be every pet’s cup of tea, so we have a whole bag of tricks to help ensure a smooth visit! We offer a calm environment, a gentle, non-confrontational touch, and plenty of positive encouragement, from tasty treats to fun toys. We love personalizing the best approach for each dog or cat who comes to see us! And for pets who need extra help, we can use sedation to ensure a safe and relaxing visit with minimal stress.

Our staff celebrates earning the trust of a previously nervous patient. It feels good and allows us to provide the best medical care possible.

What is Happy Handling?

If you’ve come to see us, you might hear our veterinarians and staff talking about Happy Handling. It’s our own home-grown program of pet handling techniques, positive interactions, rewards, and gentle distractions that help to ensure your pet has a safe and relaxing veterinary experience. We even take notes after every visit to record what worked best, which treats were gobbled or snubbed, and make suggestions for the next time around.

What are common external parasites in dogs and cats?

External parasites include fleas, ticks, lice, and mites, and they live on the outside of your pet’s body. They can cause major skin itching and irritation, but can also transit diseases that pose a serious health risk. Fleas can carry and transmit diseases such as tapeworms and the Bartonella bacteria, which causes cat scratch fever. Ticks transmit many bacterial diseases such as Lyme disease and Ehrlichia.

At Good Life Veterinary Care, we can personalize a parasite prevention strategy to make sure your pet is free and clear of external parasites!

What are signs of internal parasites in dogs and cats?

Internal parasites like roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and whipworms live in the intestinal tract of dogs and cats. They are especially common in puppies and kittens, but even adult animals can be exposed in group settings or when parasites are tracked into the house on shoes. Common signs of intestinal parasites include: diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, vomiting, pot-bellied appearance, lethargy, or blood in the stool.

Some internal parasites like heartworms live in the blood stream. This serious parasite is transmitted by mosquitoes and can cause fatigue, coughing, collapse, and even death in affected animals.

The good news is that most internal parasites are preventable and treatable! At Good Life Veterinary Care, we combine our findings from your pet’s physical examination and laboratory tests to screen for parasites and make tailored parasite prevention recommendations with your pet’s exposure level and lifestyle.

What vaccines does my dog need?

Core vaccines are recommended for all dogs regardless of their lifestyle, unless there is a specific medical reason not to vaccinate. Core vaccines include:

  • Rabies: Required by law.
  • Distemper/Hepatitis/Parvovirus/Parainfluenza (DHPP): Recommended for all dogs.
  • Bordetella: Recommended for all dogs.

Noncore vaccines are recommended for some dogs based on lifestyle, location, and risk of exposure.

Noncore vaccines include:

  • Leptospirosis: Recommended for all dogs.
  • Lyme: Recommended for dogs that spend time outdoors near high grass, woods, or in areas where deer are abundant.
  • Canine Influenza (CIV): Recommended for dogs that go to grooming, boarding, doggie daycare, group training classes, etc.

What vaccines does my cat need?

  • Rabies: Required by law.
  • Herpesvirus/Calicivirus/Panleukopenia (FVRCP): Recommended for all cats.
  • Feline Leukemia (FeLV): Recommended for all kittens (<1 year of age) and adult cats that go outdoors or live with cats who go outdoors.

Schedule an Appointment Today

At Good Life Veterinary Care, we’re committed to providing the highest quality care for your pet. Whether your pet needs a routine wellness exam or specialized medical treatment, you can trust us to deliver compassionate and comprehensive care. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the difference that Good Life Veterinary Care can make in your pet’s life.